Saturday, March 05, 2005

Zone and JAT

Valkyrie created a beautiful birthday card for me (Jade and Benten); Lutra commented that they'd make beautiful mermen (well, merbois anyway); and I was idly looking through the collection of Jonathan Cummings jpgs I've copied from the Webshots site - always inspirational - and the usual happened...

SirenSong, an AU Jade/Benten story, is posted in two places: in the Flight and Fancy fiction section at JAT (that's the non-graphic one) and in The Zone on the WaveWrights site (that's the graphic, adults-only version).
It's my version of a fluffy PWP, and was great fun to write! It also took less than five hours to complete while chatting to Lutra, which isn't too bad for a pointless short...


Blogger GoodTwin said...

I haven't looked over the pictures yet but that one is lovely.

I do love the ease with which you produce wonderful pointless fluff. Although it doesn't matter if it's pointless, it's great!

8:49 am  
Blogger Joules *Dances with Haddock* Taylor said...

Thank you!

11:33 am  

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